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"Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
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"Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Здравствуйте уважаемые тарологи!
Подскажите кто-нибудь из Вас пользуется картами Дорин Верче? в интернете говорится что их хорошо испольховать как своеобразный Оракул,в дополнение к Таро.
"Что представляют собой данные карты? Это крупные 44 карты с картинками (преимущественно изображающими ангелов) и подписями по-русски. Примеры названий карт - Волшебство, Откровенность, Изобилие, Родственные души, Отдых, Чудеса, Знаки, Ангел-хранитель, Архангел Михаил и т.п. Как вы ни будете стараться, вы не обнаружите среди этих названий Депрессию, Болезнь или что-то в этом роде. Все названия и изображения позитивны."
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Подскажите кто-нибудь из Вас пользуется картами Дорин Верче? в интернете говорится что их хорошо испольховать как своеобразный Оракул,в дополнение к Таро.
"Что представляют собой данные карты? Это крупные 44 карты с картинками (преимущественно изображающими ангелов) и подписями по-русски. Примеры названий карт - Волшебство, Откровенность, Изобилие, Родственные души, Отдых, Чудеса, Знаки, Ангел-хранитель, Архангел Михаил и т.п. Как вы ни будете стараться, вы не обнаружите среди этих названий Депрессию, Болезнь или что-то в этом роде. Все названия и изображения позитивны."
интересно узнать Ваше мнение.
Солнечная- Посетитель
- Откуда : Германия
Сообщения : 23
Дата регистрации : 2011-09-17
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Мне к сожалению, эта колода не знакома. Но я нашла информацию о ней вот тут
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Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
а хотелось бы узнать как Вы,как опытный таролог, относитесь к таким нетрадиционным колодам по 44 карты.
как-то заинтересовали меня они,но немного колеблюсь.Думаю как дополнение к Таро,но пока я,к сожалению,никакого опыта не имею в работе с классической колодой,абсолютный новичок.
как-то заинтересовали меня они,но немного колеблюсь.Думаю как дополнение к Таро,но пока я,к сожалению,никакого опыта не имею в работе с классической колодой,абсолютный новичок.
Солнечная- Посетитель
- Откуда : Германия
Сообщения : 23
Дата регистрации : 2011-09-17
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Не могу назвать себя опытным тарологом, но отношусь положительно. Я считаю, что нужно работать с той колодой, которая "приятна в общении". Расклады можно делать и на игральных картах, и на колоде таро и на оракуле. Главное изучить колоду, проработать ее, понять, что говорят вам те или иные карты в различных ситуациях. Очень важно, чтобы тематика колоды, ее образы, цветовая гамма, манера исполнения подходили вам лично, вашему характеру, мироощущению.
Добро пожаловать в нашу компанию! Будем познавать мир Таро вместеСолнечная пишет:но пока я,к сожалению,никакого опыта не имею в работе с классической колодой,абсолютный новичок.
Последний раз редактировалось: Allana Miller (Чт Ноя 17, 2011 5:34 am), всего редактировалось 1 раз(а)
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Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Для того, чтобы вам понятней было представьте, что колода это радио-приемник, который принимает и передает радиоволны- информацию. Вы эту информацию воспринимаете(считываете с карт) и передаете вопрошающему.
Какой это радио-приемник- крутой, дорогущий, маленький, дешевый, на вашем мобильном- это не важно. Важно, чтобы вы могли принять эту информацию, используя вашу колоду( радио-приемник), считать и расшифровать эту информацию, используя ваши знания, опыт, интуицию и передать эту информацию кверенту.
Т.е. таро это инструмент получения информации, вы - инструмент для расшифровки и передачи этой информации.
Какой это радио-приемник- крутой, дорогущий, маленький, дешевый, на вашем мобильном- это не важно. Важно, чтобы вы могли принять эту информацию, используя вашу колоду( радио-приемник), считать и расшифровать эту информацию, используя ваши знания, опыт, интуицию и передать эту информацию кверенту.
Т.е. таро это инструмент получения информации, вы - инструмент для расшифровки и передачи этой информации.
Вижу цель- не вижу препятствий [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть это изображение]
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Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Добро пожаловать в нашу компанию! Будем познавать мир Таро вместе
Спасибо!Очень приятная у вас атмосфера,неоднократно уже замечалось посетителями
Для того, чтобы вам понятней было представьте, что колода это радио-приемник, который принимает и передает радиоволны- информацию. Т.е. таро это инструмент получения информации, вы - инструмент для расшифровки и передачи этой информации.
какое это всё таки-почётное занятие,быть проводником информации.пока что я смотрю подходящую литературу по Таро,присматриваюсь к колоде РУ и узнала из нашего :174802: сайта что новый вариант ее вышел.В общем информацуии много,пока настраиваюсь на подходящую волну,но покоя мне уже не будет пока не научусь достойно делать расклады и интерпретировать
Солнечная- Посетитель
- Откуда : Германия
Сообщения : 23
Дата регистрации : 2011-09-17
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
я с ними работаю) и еще работаю магическая сила фей. лежат архиангелы(скро буду и их разбирать) работают замечателно и очень четко показывают.
0kapriz0- Посетитель
Возраст : 47
Откуда : пермь
Настроение : замечательное.
Сообщения : 27
Дата регистрации : 2011-10-01
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Солнечная пишет:
Подскажите кто-нибудь из Вас пользуется картами Дорин Верче? в интернете говорится что их хорошо испольховать как своеобразный Оракул,в дополнение к Таро.
Дорин Вврче о сочетаниях карт англ.яз.
Может это интересная информация?
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- Спойлер:
- Number Sequences From The Angels
a message from Doreen Virtue
Monday, 18 August, 2008
1605552 views, 117 comments - login or register to comment
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: "We can't write our messages to you in the sky. You've got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life especially in response to any questions or prayers you've posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!"
Number Sequences
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you'll look up in time to notice the clock's time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you'll be aware that you're seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.
The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, "What are you trying to tell me?" and they'll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings.
111 - Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).
222 - Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
333 - The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.
444 - The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.
555 - Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.
777 - The angels applaud you, congratulations, you're on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.
888 - A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, "The crops are ripe. Don't wait to pick and enjoy them." In other words, don't procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.
999 - Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now."
000 - A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator's love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.
Number Combinations
The angels will often give you a message that involves a combination of two or more numbers. Here are the basic meanings of triple-digit, two-number combinations. If your messages contain three or more numbers, blend the answers from the different number combinations. For instance, if you continually notice the sequence 312, use the meaning of the 3 and 1 number combination, plus the 1 and 2 combination.
Or, if you feel guided, add the numbers together. Keep adding the subsequent digits together until you have a single-digit number. Then, look at the meaning for that particular number from the previously outlined list of number sequences that contain identical numbers, (i.e. 111, 222, 333, etc.).
Combinations of 1's
1's and 2's such as 121 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and re growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!
1's and 3's, such as 133 or 113 - The ascended masters are working with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want.
1's and 4's, such as 114 or 144 - The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thoughts right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment.
(NOTE: 411 means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now."
1's and 5's, such as 115, or 551 - Your thoughts are creating the changes in your life. Keep steering your thoughts in your desired direction. If the changes that you see forthcoming are not desired, you can stop or alter them by modifying your thoughts.
1's and 6's, such as 116 or 661 - Keep your thoughts heavenward, and let go of materially minded worries. (Note: 611 means "Ask for help in repairing something in the material world that is irritating or bothering you right now."
1's and 7's, such as 117 or 771 - This is confirmation that you are doing great. You are on the right path, so keep going! This is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and that you should focus more steadily on your objectives. Be sure to add appropriate emotions to your thoughts; for instance, feeling grateful for the gifts you have in life. Gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations.
1's and 8's, such as 118 or 881 - You are nearing the end of a significant phase of your life. If you are tired of some part of your life, be glad that it will soon be healed or replaced with something better. Surrender and release those parts of your life that aren't working, as your thoughts of a better life are coming to pass.
1's and 9's, such as 119 or 991 - A new door has opened for you as a product of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to stare your thoughts in the face and come eye-to-eye with your own creations. Let the old fall away, as it is replaced with the new in accordance with your desires.
1's and 0's, such as 100 or 110 - Powerful Divine guidance from God and the angels asks you to alter your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to be happier and healthier. If so, this is an answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you seek is born within your thoughts. Ask God to guide the direction of your thoughts and support you during your time of transition.
Combinations of 2's
2's and 1's, such as 221 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and re growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!
2's and 3's, such as 223 or 323 - The ascended masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project. They are telling you that they share your excitement and know that everything is working out well for you. The masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!
2's and 4's, such as 224 or 244 - As it says in the spiritual text, A Course in Miracles, "The angels nurse your newborn purpose." This is a sign that you have help from above in making your desired transitions. This is a time when you especially need to know that you're not alone. The 2 and 4 number sequences are a signal from your angels to tell you that they're working very closely with you right now.
2's and 5's, such as 255 or 225 - Your prayers and intentions have been clear, strong, and without reservations; therefore, expect a change to come about faster than you may have foreseen. Don't let it throw you when your wishes come true. They may come about in unexpected ways, so hold on to your faith. Talk to God often, and ask for reassurance.
2's and 6's, such as 266 or 262 - A new purchase or acquisition is coming your way.
2's and 7's, such as 277 or 272 - Have you recently applied for a new job, admission to school, or a loan? These numbers signal good news. They ask you o hang tight and not allow your faith to waver.
2's and 8's, such as 288 or 282 - One door is beginning to open, and another door is beginning to close. Be sure to listen to your intuition very closely right now, as it will guide you to take steps that will ensure your steady abundance during these transitions.
2's and 9's, such as 299 or 292 - If you've recently suffered a loss (job, lover, etc.), expect it to be replaced in the very near future. Everything is working in your favor, although there may be so much behind-scenes activity involved that you wonder if God has forgotten you. Worry not! Feel the energy of your life, which is moving forward right now. You are not being punished by your recent loss. The universe is, instead, preparing you for newness.
2's and 0's, such as 200 or 202 - God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you. He loves you very, very much! In fact, God is orchestrating a wonderful new phase of your life. Talk to God often, and you'll feel this forthcoming miracle. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing." Sometimes, certain factors need to fall into place first before your desired outcome can be reached. As long as you hold onto your faith, there is nothing blocking you from attaining your desire.
Combinations of 3's
3's and 1's, such as 311 or 313 - The ascended masters are working with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want.
3's and 2's, such as 322 or 332 - The ascended masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project. They are telling you that they share your excitement and know that everything is working out well for you. The masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!
3's and 4's, such as 334 or 344 - You have a lot of help around you right now! Both the ascended masters and the angels are here to assist, guide, and love you. Reach out to them, as they are reaching out to you.
3's and 5's, such as 353 or 335 - The ascended masters want to prepare you for a big life change that is imminent. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be alright. Embrace the change, and look for the blessing within it.
3's and 6's, such as 363 or 336 - Your ascended masters are helping you manifest the material items you need for your Divine life purpose. Whether that means money for tuition or outlets for you to conduct your teaching or healing work, the masters are working to bring it to you. They want you to know that you deserve to receive this help, as it will better enable you to give to others.
3's and 7's, such as 377 or 373 - The ascended masters are joyful. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also agree with the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you deserve happiness, and to allow the flow of holy bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path.
3's and 8's, such as 338 or 383 - "Keep going," the masters say to you. Boost the energy and focus of your thoughts and feelings. Realign your outlook with the knowledge of your oneness with God, everyone, and all life.
3's and 9's, such as 393 or 339 - This is a strong message to let go of situations in your life that aren't in integrity or that have served their purpose. Do not artificially hang on to situations because of fear. Know that each and every moment you are taken care of. It is vital that you hold a positive viewpoint about yourself and your future. This viewpoint actually creates what you experience, so ask the masters to help you choose your thoughts from the high point of love.
3's and 0's, such as 300 or 330 - God and the ascended masters are trying to get your attention, most likely with respect to a matter related to your Divine purpose. Is there any guidance that you've been ignoring lately? If so, you may be feeling stuck right now. This number sequence is heaven's way of alerting you to the fact that you must do your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance to take certain actions.
Combinations of 4's
4's and 1's, such as 441 or 411 - The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thoughts right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment. (NOTE: 411 means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now."
4's and 2's, such as 442 or 422 - As it says in the spiritual text, A Course in Miracles, "The angels nurse your newborn purpose." This is a sign that you have help from above in making your desired transitions. This is a time when you especially need to know that you're not alone. The 2 and 4 number sequences are a signal from your angels to tell you that they're working very closely with you right now.
4's and 3's, such as 443 or 433 - You have a lot of help around you right now! Both the ascended masters and the angels are here to assist, guide, and love you. Reach out to them, as they are reaching out to you.
4's and 5's, such as 455 or 445 - Your angels are involved in one of your significant life changes right now.
4's and 6's, such as 445 or 466 - Your angels caution you that your focus is too much on the material world. They ask you to surrender your worries to them so that they can intervene. Balance your focus between heaven and earth, and know that your supply is truly unlimited, especially when you work hand-in-hand with the Divine.
4's and 7's, such as 477 or 447 - The angels congratulate you and say, "Keep up the great work! You are on a roll. Keep your thoughts focused, because it's having a big and positive effect."
4's and 8's, such as 488 or 448 - This is a message from your angels that a phase of your life is about to end. They want you to know that as things slow down, they are with you and will be helping to guide you to a new situation better suited to your needs, desires, and purpose.
4's and 9's, such as 494 or 449 - The angels say to you that it is time to let go of a situation that has ended. They remind you that, as one door closes, another opens. The angels are certainly helping you to open new doors and to heal from any pain that accompanies the transition that you are now undergoing. Please ask your angels to help you have faith that these endings and beginnings are answers to your prayers.
4's and 0's, such as 440 or 400 - God and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to take a moment to feel this love, as it will answer many of your questions and resolve any challenge.
Combinations of 5's
5's and 1's, such as 511 or 515 - Your thoughts are creating the changes in your life. Keep steering your thoughts in your desired direction. If the changes that you see forthcoming are not desired, you can stop or alter them by modifying your thoughts.
5's and 2's, such as 522 or 552 - Your prayers and intentions have been clear, strong, and without reservations; therefore, expect a change to come about faster than you may have foreseen. Don't let it throw you when your wishes come true. They may come about in unexpected ways, so hold on to your faith. Talk to God often, and ask for reassurance.
5's and 3's, such as 533 or 553 - The ascended masters want to prepare you for a big life change that is imminent. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be alright. Embrace the change, and look for the blessing within it.
5's and 4's, such as 554 or 544 - Your angels are involved in one of your significant life changes right now.
5' and 6's, such as 556 or 566 - Your material life is changing significantly, such as a new home, car, or other possession.
5's and 7's, such as 577 or 575 - This is a validation that you are "on target" with an impending change that will enrich you either physically, emotionally, or intellectually - or a combination of all three. Stay on course and you will soon see the evidence of how the changes add to your own life and to that of those around you.
5's and 8's, such as 588 or 558 - This number sequence signifies that you are in the 11th hour, right before the change. Do not fear it, as you will be supported and loved throughout this change, which is now imminent.
5's and 9's, such as 599 or 595 - In order for the new change to manifest, it's important to release the past. This number sequence asks you to let go of the old and know that it served a vital function during its time. However, life is fluid and change is inevitable Know that the new is standing at your doorway, waiting for you to let it in. You invite the new in as you detach with love from the old.
5's and 0's, such as 500 or 550 - An important message that lets you know that your life changes are in Divine and perfect order. They are a gift from God and in alignment with God's will for your higher self.
Combinations of 6's
6's and 1's, such as 611 or 661 - Keep your thoughts heavenward, and let go of materially minded worries. (Note: 611 means "Ask for help in repairing something in the material world that is irritating or bothering you right now."
6's and 2's, such as 622 or 662 - A new purchase or acquisition is coming your way.
6's and 3's, such as 663 or 633 - Your ascended masters are helping you manifest the material items you need for your Divine life purpose. Whether that means money for tuition or outlets for you to conduct your teaching or healing work, the masters are working to bring it to you. They want you to know that you deserve to receive this help, as it will better enable you to give to others.
6's and 4's, such as 644 or 664 - Your angels caution you that your focus is too much on the material world. They ask you to surrender your worries to them so that they can intervene. Balance your focus between heaven and earth, and know that your supply is truly unlimited, especially when you work hand-in-hand with the Divine.
6' and 5's, such as 665 or 655 - Your material life is changing significantly, such as a new home, car, or other possession.
6's and 7's, such as 667 or 677 - A validation that your thoughts and work with the material world are right on the mark. You have successfully balanced your thoughts and activities so that you are taking care of the mind, body, and spirit. Keep up the great work!
6's and 8's, such as 668 or 688- You are about to part ways with something in your material world, such as selling a possession. If you do not intend to lose or sell anything in your material life, you can change your thoughts and alter this direction. However, if you are intent on selling or detaching material in your life, consider this a sign that your wish is about to come true.
6's and 9's, such as 669 or 699 - Detach from your material items, especially if you have had any obsession with any particular type of material possession. This number sequence asks you to let go and detach. Also, this is a message that something in your life is about to be replaced with something better. Be open to receiving new possessions that exceed your expectations, as you are ready to be upgraded. You deserve the best!
6's and 0's, such as 600 or 660 - This is a message from your Creator about your material life. Divine guidance from God asks you to focus less on Earthly desires. It's not that God is asking you to live an impoverished life, but rather, that your Creator asks you to try a more spiritual approach to having your needs met. Know that God is within you and is your source for everything you need. Simply hold faith and gratitude, and be open to signs or new opportunities that will bring your material needs to you. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all the rest will be added to you" is the heart of this number sequence's message. You can get more information on this process by reading The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price (published by Hay House) or by reading "The Sermon on the Mount" in the Gospel of Matthew.
Combinations of 7's
7's and 1's, such as 711 or 771 - This is confirmation that you are doing great. You are on the right path, so keep going! This is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and that you should focus more steadily on your objectives. Be sure to add appropriate emotions to your thoughts; for instance, feeling grateful for the gifts you have in life. Gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations.
7's and 2's, such as 722 or 772 - Have you recently applied for a new job, admission to school, or a loan? These numbers signal good news. They ask you to hang tight and not allow your faith to waver.
7's and 3's, such as 773 or 733 - The ascended masters are joyful. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also agree with the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you deserve happiness, and to allow the flow of holy bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path.
7's and 4's, such as 774 or 744 - The angels congratulate you and say, "Keep up the great work! You are on a roll. Keep your thoughts focused, because it's having a big and positive effect."
7's and 5's, such as 775 or 755 - This is a validation that you are "on target" with an impending change that will enrich you either physically, emotionally, or intellectually - or a combination of all three. Stay on course and you will soon see the evidence of how the changes add to your own life and to that of those around you.
7's and 6's, such as 776 or 766 - A validation that your thoughts and work with the material world are right on the mark. You have successfully balanced your thoughts and activities so that you are taking care of the mind, body, and spirit. Keep up the great work!
7's and 8's, such as 778 or 788 - Have you been feeling that some part of your life, such as a job or relationship, is ending? This is validation that your feelings are correct. The end could mean a significant positive change in the situation, or it could mean that some part of your life is nearing completion. Regardless, this number sequence heralds geed news about a forthcoming positive change involving the completion of an intense situation. Hang tight, because your life is about to get easier.
7's and 9's, such as 779 or 799 - Congratulations! You are shedding old parts of your life that no longer fit who you are. You are living a more authentic life that is in integrity with your highest view of yourself. This number sequence applauds your decisions to live honestly.
7's and 0's, such as 700 or 770 - An "atta boy" or "atta girl" directly from God, giving you accolades for the mental, spiritual, and physical work you've been doing. You are helping yourself and many other people with your current path, and God asks you to continue with your great work.
Combinations of 8's
8's and 1's, such as 811 or 881 - You are nearing the end of a significant phase of your life. If you are tired of some part of your life, be glad that it will soon be healed or replaced with something better. Surrender and release those parts of your life that aren't working, as your thoughts of a better life are coming to pass.
8's and 2's, such as 822 or 882 - One door is beginning to open, and another door is beginning to close. Be sure to listen to your intuition very closely right now, as it will guide you to take steps that will ensure your steady abundance during these transitions.
8's and 3's, such a 883 or 833 - "Keep going," the masters say to you. Boost the energy and focus of your thoughts and feelings. Realign your outlook with the knowledge of your oneness with God, everyone, and all life.
8's and 4's, such as 884 or 844 - This is a message from your angels that a phase of your life is about to end. They want you to know that as things slow down, they are with you and will be helping to guide you to a new situation better suited to your needs, desires, and purpose.
8's and 5's, such as 885 or 855 - This number sequence signifies that you are in the 11th hour, right before the change. Do not fear it, as you will be supported and loved throughout this change, which is now imminent.
8's and 6's, such as 886 or 866 - You are about to part ways with something in your material world, such as selling a possession. If you do not intend to lose or sell anything in your material life, you can change your thoughts and alter this direction. However, if you are intent on selling or detaching material in your life, consider this a sign that your wish is about to come true.
8's and 7's, such as 887 or 877 - Have you been feeling that some part of your life, such as a job or relationship, is ending? This is validation that your feelings are correct. The end could mean a significant positive change in the situation, or it could mean that some part of your life is nearing completion. Regardless, this number sequence heralds geed news about a forthcoming positive change involving the completion of an intense situation. Hang tight, because your life is about to get easier.
8's and 9's, such as 889 or 899 - Some significant phase in your life has come to an end, bringing with it other events that will also end in a domino effect. Like a train coming to the end of the line, one car will stop while the following train cars will take a moment to slow down before stopping. This number sequence is a message that you are going through a chain of events, where many parts of your life are slowing and stopping. Worry not, though, because these changes are necessary for new sequences and circumstances to begin for you.
8's and 0's, such as 800 or 808 - A message from your Divine Creator, signifying that the impending endings are part of your overall Diving plan. They are answers to your prayers, and in alignment with God's will for you. Ask God to help allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.
Combinations of 9's
9's and 1's, such as 991 or 919 - A new door has opened for you as a product of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to stare your thoughts in the face and come eye-to-eye with your own creations. Let the old fall away, as it is replaced with the new in accordance with your desires.
9's and 2's, such as 992 or 922 - If you've recently suffered a loss (job, lover, etc.), expect it to be replaced in the very near future. Everything is working in your favor, although there may be so much behind-scenes activity involved that you wonder if God has forgotten you. Worry not! Feel the energy of your life, which is moving forward right now. You are not being punished by your recent loss. The universe is, instead, preparing you for newness.
9's and 3's, such as 993 or 939 - This is a strong message to let go of situations in your life that aren't in integrity or that have served their purpose. Do not artificially hang on to situations because of fear. Know that each and every moment you are taken care of. It is vital that you hold a positive viewpoint about yourself and your future. This viewpoint actually creates what you experience, so ask the masters to help you choose your thoughts from the high point of love.
9's and 4's, such as 994 or 944 - The angels say to you that it is time to let go of a situation that has ended. They remind you that, as one door closes, another opens. The angels are certainly helping you to open new doors and to heal from any pain that accompanies the transition that you are now undergoing. Please ask your angels to help you have faith that these endings and beginnings are answers to your prayers.
9's and 5's, such as 959 or 995 - In order for the new change to manifest, it's important to release the past. This number sequence asks you to let go of the old and know that it served a vital function during its time. However, life is fluid and change is inevitable. Know that the new is standing at your doorway, waiting for you to let it in. You invite the new in as you detach with love from the old.
9's and 6's, such as 966 or 996 - Detach from your material items, especially if you have had any obsession with any particular type of material possession. This number sequence asks you to let go and detach. Also, this is a message that something in your life is about to be replaced with something better. Be open to receiving new possessions that exceed your expectations, as you are ready to be upgraded. You deserve the best!
9's and 7's, such as 977 or 997 - Congratulations! You are shedding old parts of your life that no longer fit who you are. You are living a more authentic life that is in integrity with your highest view of yourself. This number sequence applauds your decisions to live honestly.
9's and 8's, such as 998 or 988 - Some significant phase in your life has come to an end, bringing with it other events that will also end in a domino effect. Like a train coming to the end of the line, one car will stop while the following train cars will take a moment to slow down before stopping. This number sequence is a message that you are going through a chain of events, where many parts of your life are slowing and stopping. Worry not, though, because these changes are necessary for new sequences and circumstances to begin for you.
9's and 0's, such as 900 or 909 - This is a message from your Creator signifying that the part of your life that has just ended is Divinely guided. Nothing is ever truly lost. There is no death, and there are no accidents. Your recent life change, in which a significant part of your life has been halted or altered, is actually an answer to your prayer. God is letting you know that He is not taking anything away from you or "causing" your loss. Rather, your life plan or prayers called this life change to you, through your own God-given power. Be willing to forgive everyone involved so that you can be light and free as you enter into a beautiful new phase of life.
Combinations of 0's
0's and 1's, such as 001 or 010 - Powerful Divine guidance from God and the angels asks you to alter your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to be happier and healthier. If so, this is an answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you seek is born within your thoughts. Ask God to guide the direction of your thoughts and support you during your time of transition.
0's and 2's, such as 002 or 020 - God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you. He loves you very, very much! In fact, God is orchestrating a wonderful new phase of your life. Talk to God often, and you'll feel this forthcoming miracle. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing." Sometimes, certain factors need to fall into place first before your desired outcome can be reached. As long as you hold onto your faith, there is nothing blocking you from attaining your desire.
0's and 3's, such as 003 or 300 - God and the ascended masters are trying to get your attention, most likely with respect to a matter related to your Divine purpose. Is there any guidance that you've been ignoring lately? If so, you may be feeling stuck right now. This number sequence is heaven's way of alerting you to the fact that you must to your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance to take certain actions.
0's and 4's, such as 040 or 400 - God and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to take a moment to feel this love, as it will answer many of your questions and resolve any challenge.
0's and 5's, such as 050 or 055 - An important message that lets you know that your life changes are in Divine and perfect order. They are a gift from God and in alignment with God's will for your higher self.
0's and 6's, such as 006 or 066 - This is a message from your Creator about your material life. Divine guidance from God asks you to focus less on Earthly desires. It's not that God is asking you to live an impoverished life, but rather, that your Creator asks you to try a more spiritual approach to having your needs met. Know that God id within you and is your source for everything you need. Simply hold faith and gratitude, and be open to signs or new opportunities that will bring your material needs to you. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all the rest will be added to you" is the heart of this number sequence's message. You can get more information on this process by reading The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price (published by Hay House) or by reading "The Sermon on the Mount" in the Gospel of Matthew.
0's and 7's, such as 007 or 070 - An "atta boy" or "atta girl" directly from God, giving you accolades for the mental, spiritual, and physical work you've been doing. You are helping yourself and many other people with your current path, and God asks you to continue with your great work.
0's and 8's, such as 088 or 080 - A message from your Divine Creator, signifying that the impending endings are part of your overall Diving plan. They are answers to your prayers, and in alignment with God's will for you. Ask God to help allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.
0's and 9's, such as 099 or 090 - This is a message from your Creator signifying that the part of your life that has just ended is Divinely guided. Nothing is ever truly lost. There is no death, and there are no accidents. Your recent life change, in which a significant part of your life has been halted or altered, is actually an answer to your prayer. God is letting you know that He is not taking anything away from you or "causing" your loss. Rather, your life plan or prayers called this life change to you, through your own God-given power. Be willing to forgive everyone involved so that you can be light and free as you enter into a beautiful new phase of life.
This was a book except from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue.
Doreen Virtue has also recently published Angel Numbers 101.
You can also read this article on > Angel Numbers
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
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Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
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Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
У Дорин Верче много книг написано и колод создано. Но 44 карты на русском что-то непопадаются. Выше послания Д.Верче были на англ, а здесь
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- Комбинации, содержащие 3
Комбинации 3 и 1, такие как 311 или 313 – Вознесенные мастера работают с вами над процессами ваших мыслей. Разными способами они выступают в качестве наставников, обучая вас древним мудростям, связанным с манифестацией. Они посылают вам энергию, чтобы удержать вас от разочарований, и ободрение, чтобы вы оставались сфокусированными на истинных целях вашей души. Дополнительно, Вознесенные Мастера могут предлагать вам консультации, руководство, советы, в отношении смысла вашей жизни. Всегда, тем не менее, они учат тому, что любое творение начинается на уровне мысли и идеи. Попросите их помочь вам с мудростью выбрать то, что вы хотите.
Комбинации 3 и 2, такие как 322 или 332 – Вознесенные Мастера работают с вами как со-авторы вашего нового проекта. Они говорят вам, что они разделяют ваше волнение и знают, что все происходит наилучшим образом для вас. Эти Мастера могут видеть, что ваше будущее уже гарантированно будет наполненно счастьем, которое вы ищете. Наслаждайтесь этой новой фазой вашей жизни!
Комбинации 3 и 4, такие как 334 или 344 – Вы имеете возможность получить много помощи в данный момент! Как Вознесенные Мастера, так и ангелы находятся с вами, чтобы помогать, направлять и любить вас. Тянитесь к ним так же, как и они тянутся к вам.
Комбинации 3 и 5, такие как 353 или 335 – Вознесенные Мастера хотят подготовить вас к большой перемене в жизни, которая неизбежна. Они хотят, чтобы вы знали, что они держут вашу руку во время этого изменения, и что все будет хорошо. Примите изменение и ищите благословение в нем
Комбинации 3 и 6, такие как 363 или 336 – Ваши Вознесенные Мастера помогают вам проявлять те материалы, которые нужны вам для выполнения Божественной цели вашей жизни. Будь то деньги для обучения, или условия для вашей учительской или целительской работы, Мастера работают над тем, чтобы дать это вам. Они хотят, чтобы вы знали, что вы заслуживаете этой помощи, чтобы вы были способны дать это другим.
Комбинации 3 и 7, такие как 377 или 373 – Вознесенные Мастера счастливы. Они не только видят вашу истинную внутреннюю Божественность, но они также одобряют тот путь, который вы выбрали. Они хотят, чтобы вы знали, что вы достойны счастья, позвольте струиться потоку священного блаженства, который приходит с вашим Божественным наследием и выбранным путем.
Комбинации 3 и 8, такие как 338 или 383 – «Продолжайте идти», Мастера говорят вам. Повысьте энергию и фокус своих мыслей и чувств. Перестройте свое мировоззрение с учетом знаний о своем единстве с Богом, всеми и всей жизнью
Комбинации 3 и 9, такие как 393 или 339 – Это серьезное послание, чтобы отпустить ситуации вашей жизни, которые не являются целостными или которые отслужили своим целям. Не держитесь искусственно за эти ситуации из страха. Знайте, что в каждый момент о вас заботятся. Это является необходимым, удерживать позитивную точку зрения в отношении себя и своего будущего. Эта точка зрения в действительности, создает то, что вы испытываете, поэтому попросите Мастеров помочь вам выбирать свои мысли с высшей перспективы любви.
Комбинации 3 и 0, такие как 300 или 330 – Бог и Вознесенные Мастера пытаются привлечь ваше внимание, в большей степени, в отношении вопроса, связанного с выполнением вашей Божественной задачи. Не игнорировали ли вы недавно какое-нибудь наставление? Если так, то вы можете испытывать затруднения сейчас. Эта комбинация цифр является небесным методом предупреждения вас о том, что вы должны выполнять свою роль в процессе со-творчества. Это означает, что необходимо прислушиваться и следовать своему Божественному руководству в выполнении определенных действий.
Комбинации, содержащие 4
Комбинации 4 и 1, такие, как 441 или 411 – Ангелы настойчиво указывают, чтобы вы следили за своими мыслями сейчас. Они советуют вам загадать желание, так как вы находитесь в такой точке, которая реализует ваши мысли в настоящий момент. (ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: комбинация 411 означает, «Спросите ангелов о некоторой информации, которая вам нужна в данный момент».
Комбинации 4 и 2, например, 442 или 422 – Как говорится в духовном писании, в Курсе Чудес, «Ангелы лелеют вашу новорожденную цель». Это знак того, что вы получаете помощь свыше в осуществлении желаемых вами переходов. Это время, когда вам особенно надо знать, что вы не одиноки. Комбинация цифр 2 и 4 являются сигналом от ваших ангелов, говорящих вам, что они работают очень плотно с вами с данный момент.
Комбинации 4 и 3, например, 443 или 433 – Вы имеете возможность получить много помощи в данный момент! Как Вознесенные Мастера, так и ангелы находятся с вами, чтобы помогать, направлять и любить вас. Тянитесь к ним так же, как и они тянутся к вам.
Комбинации 4 и 5, например, 455 или 445 – Ваши ангелы участвуют в одном из ваших знаменательных жизненных изменений сейчас.
Комбинации 4 и 6, например, 446 или 466 – Ваши ангелы предупреждают вас, что вы сфокусированы слишком сильно на материальном мире. Они просят вас передать свои беспокойства им, чтобы они могли вмешаться. Сбалансируйте свой фокус между небом и землей, и знайте, что ваши ресурсы поистине безграничны, особенно, когда вы работаете рука об руку с Божественностью.
Комбинации 4 и 7, например, 477 или 447 – Ангелы поздравляют вас и говорят, «Продолжайте великолепную работу! Вы в потоке. Держите свои мысли сфокусированными, потому что они имеют большой положительный эффект».
Комбинации 4 и 8, например, 488 или 448 – Это сообщение ваших ангелов о том, что какой-то этап вашей жизни заканчивается. Они хотят, чтобы вы знали, когда все тормозится, они с вами, и будут помогать направлять вас к новым ситуациям, более подходящим для ваших нужд, желаний и целей.
Комбинации 4 и 9, например, 494 или 449 – Ангелы говорят вам, что пора отпустить ситуацию, которая завершилась. Они напоминают, что, когда одни двери закрываются, другие открываются. Ангелы определенно помогают вам открыть новые двери и исцелить от любой боли, сопровождающей этот переход, который вы сейчас переживаете. Пожалуйста, попросите своих ангелов помочь вам обрести веру в то, что эти завершения и эти начинания являются ответами на ваши молитвы.
Комбинации 4 и 0, например, 440 или 400 – Бог и ангелы хотят, чтобы вы знали, что вы очень, очень любимы. Они просят вас почувствовать эту любовь, потому что она ответит на многие ваши вопросы и разрешит любые проблемы.
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Солнечная пишет:Это крупные 44 карты с картинками (преимущественно изображающими ангелов) и подписями по-русски. Примеры названий карт - Волшебство, Откровенность, Изобилие, Родственные души, Отдых, Чудеса, Знаки, Ангел-хранитель, Архангел Михаил и т.п. Как вы ни будете стараться, вы не обнаружите среди этих названий Депрессию, Болезнь или что-то в этом роде. Все названия и изображения позитивны."
интересно узнать Ваше мнение.
У меня пока мнения нет и карт нет. Но, я нашла, ...наконец-то... практику на этом оракуле. чтобы посмотреть сообщения, - на форуме надо зарегистрироваться
Карта дня на Оракуле Магическая сила вашего Ангела
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ГАЛЛЕРЕЯ [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть эту ссылку]
Карты [Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть это изображение]
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
[Вы должны быть зарегистрированы и подключены, чтобы видеть это изображение]
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
У меня есть эта колода. Она хороша для медитации, успокоения, или просто получить совет. Колода больше психологическая
artur- Посетитель
- Сообщения : 8
Дата регистрации : 2013-07-19
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
У меня несколько вариантов ангельских колод Дорин Верче.
Первая колода "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя".Вторая колода "Ангельская терапия", третья колода Архангелы (точно не помню название). Самая предсказательная это "магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". Картинки вроде и простые, но ответы очень точные и быстро сбываются. Я эту колоду и подругам подарила, и даже клиентам. На этой колоде хорошо развивать интуицию свою.
Скажите, а в этой теме можно сделать типа акции на этой колоде? Хочется ее показать в работе вам.
Первая колода "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя".Вторая колода "Ангельская терапия", третья колода Архангелы (точно не помню название). Самая предсказательная это "магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". Картинки вроде и простые, но ответы очень точные и быстро сбываются. Я эту колоду и подругам подарила, и даже клиентам. На этой колоде хорошо развивать интуицию свою.
Скажите, а в этой теме можно сделать типа акции на этой колоде? Хочется ее показать в работе вам.
Никто тебе не друг, никто тебе не враг, но каждый человек учитель
"Две жизни"
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
от модератора.
Мария Счастливая, это тема для обсуждения различных колод Таро. Акции проводятся в "Тренировочной площадке"..
Спасибо за понимание.
С уважением.
Мария Счастливая, это тема для обсуждения различных колод Таро. Акции проводятся в "Тренировочной площадке"..
Спасибо за понимание.
С уважением.
- Сообщения : 5025
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-13
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
0kapriz0 пишет: и еще работаю магическая сила фей.
Подскажите пожалуйста как работать с этими картами, я только их купила, инструкции не было.
Лена87- Посетитель
- Сообщения : 56
Дата регистрации : 2013-09-13
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
У меня был этот оракул и инструкция к нему была. Но я работала с ним на интуитивном уровне смотря на картинки. Предсказывал он нормально, на вопросы четко отвечал.Лена87 пишет:0kapriz0 пишет: и еще работаю магическая сила фей.
Подскажите пожалуйста как работать с этими картами, я только их купила, инструкции не было.
Никто тебе не друг, никто тебе не враг, но каждый человек учитель
"Две жизни"
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
это мои первые карты, меня интересует как делать расклад вообще. , По сколько карт, как их брать из колоды, задавать несколько вопросов или один
Лена87- Посетитель
- Сообщения : 56
Дата регистрации : 2013-09-13
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
Я брала полную колоду. Хорошо делать расклад из 3-4 карт. Можно вытянуть и одну карту на вопрос, ответ получите. Не делайте большие расклады, можете не понять, что хотят сказать феи. Оракул простой и понятный. Работайте с ним каждый день и он вам откроется. Описание можно в сети поискать.Лена87 пишет:
это мои первые карты, меня интересует как делать расклад вообще. , По сколько карт, как их брать из колоды, задавать несколько вопросов или один
Никто тебе не друг, никто тебе не враг, но каждый человек учитель
"Две жизни"
Re: "Магическая сила вашего Ангела-хранителя". - Дорин Верче (Doreen Virtue).
То есть, как хочу, так и делаю? Задаю вопрос или ситуацию и вытягиваю любые 4 карты?Мария Счастливая пишет:Я брала полную колоду. Хорошо делать расклад из 3-4 карт. Можно вытянуть и одну карту на вопрос, ответ получите. Не делайте большие расклады, можете не понять, что хотят сказать феи. Оракул простой и понятный. Работайте с ним каждый день и он вам откроется. Описание можно в сети поискать.Лена87 пишет:
это мои первые карты, меня интересует как делать расклад вообще. , По сколько карт, как их брать из колоды, задавать несколько вопросов или один
Описание значения карт нашла
Лена87- Посетитель
- Сообщения : 56
Дата регистрации : 2013-09-13
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